It was only several hours later the same day that I realized that I, too, needed this very same "911" call to my heavenly Father. The word "dwell" from this verse is translated from the Hebrew verb "yashab" (pronounced ya-shav'). It means to dwell, remain, sit, abide.
Verse 2 and 9: "I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust...Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place-the Most High, who is my refuge-no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent."
All of this beautiful Psalm is a picture of the Lord as a secure defense for those who take refuge in Him, for those faithful people that dwell in His shelter. I needed this reminder of dwelling. Where am I dwelling? Because when life is crashing all around me (or so it seems), am I dwelling, remaining, sitting and abiding in His shelter?
No, I tend to flit about like a little sparrow, attempting to make my own dwelling, my own refuge in which to hide. Then the rain of life comes and my little shelter that I've built for myself just crumbles. It's not too pretty. I worked so hard at building it, too. The problem with this is in these words: "I worked". Or really, just one word: "I".
It's really becoming quite obvious that I cannot do anything to protect myself from evil and plagues (in my own terms, hardship and stress), except to dwell in the Most High. I can do nothing without Him. My Father has never moved. He remains there, a refuge for me, ever-abiding and steadfast in His promises. He has already done the work. He already is the dwelling place, ready to keep me from harm. I only need to stop flitting and abide in His shelter that He has always been and always will be when I am faithful to trust in Him, instead of myself.
But if I believe this truth then it means that I must stop. Sit. Remain. Stop moving. This is a hard concept for me with a family and home to take care of, a fourth kiddo on the way (insert a mix of excitement and panic here), and a to-do list longer than my arm. Oh how I long to STOP!
So today, I did. First, I stopped sleeping and rose before the house did. Then I cozied into my comfy QT corner and opened up the Truth, letting it flood my heart and mind and sweep out all the untruth and craziness in there. All day, I have been reminding myself: dwell. Dwell. Dwell. His shelter, not mine. His safety, not mine. Oh how the peace of Christ has filled my heart.
More thoughts on abiding in His dwelling place coming soon.