Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a new year

Having a quiet time in Maui is like sitting in a masterpiece of art created only by a God who knows true beauty, while the sound and scent of his creativity and glory swirl around with every brushstroke.

What a privilege to know my Creator this personally! He cares about me enough to meet me wherever I am, no matter what the current state of my heart. I love that about Him! I relish in the truth that He will never leave me or forsake me.

So, in this new year, no matter the trials and fears that I face, my God is big enough. He loves His children, He has a plan, and He will not let us be snatched out of His hand! Praise Him for that!


T-T aka Mrs Hip Hop said...

That is so true OUR GOD is always with us no-matter what... Lets praise him forever

Jen Stutzman said...

What an amazing picture. Thank you for sharing it.